Study Areas


Worship Arts

  • WA 2 Private Lessons - Instrument

    We offer lessons in guitar, violin, and a variety of other instruments as instructors are available. Ten lessons are offered each semester. For information on cost, please visit the 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees page. To apply for lessons, please contact the Performing and Worship Arts office ( Practice rooms are available on a rental basis for those taking Private Lessons. Students may receive credit for private lessons - we do not charge tuition beyond the regular lesson fee for one-hour credits. All students taking Private Lessons for credit receive a grade for each semester of study.

  • WA 3 Private Lessons - Voice

    We offer lessons in voice as instructors are available. Ten lessons are offered each semester. For information on cost, please visit the 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees page. To apply for lessons, please contact the Performing and Worship Arts office ( Practice rooms are available on a rental basis for those taking Private Lessons. Students may receive credit for applied lessons—we do not charge tuition beyond the regular lesson fee for one-hour credits. All students taking Private Lessons for credit receive a grade for each semester of study.

  • WA 4 Private Lessons - Piano

    We offer lessons in piano as instructors are available. Ten lessons are offered each semester. For information on cost, please visit the 2024-2025 Tuition and Fees page. To apply for lessons, please contact the Performing and Worship Arts office ( Practice rooms are available on a rental basis for those taking Private Lessons. Students may receive credit for Private Lessons - we do not charge tuition beyond the regular lesson fee for one-hour credits. All students taking Private Lessons for credit receive a grade for each semester of study.

  • WA 6 Ensemble - College Singers

    A multi-voice choir that participates regularly in choral concerts, college musicals, and local church worship services. College Singers collaborates with the orchestra and other choral ensembles. This group offers training, experience, and ministry opportunities within the context of a caring musical community. A two-semester commitment to this group is expected.

  • WA 7 Ensemble - Resonant

    Resonant is an a cappella chamber ensemble that performs music that spans the styles of jazz, gospel, and classical both on campus and on tour. This group offers singers training, performance experience, and ministry opportunities in a challenging yet encouraging environment. A two-semester commitment to this group is required.

  • WA 8 Ensemble - Orchestra

    A 20-piece group (open to college, seminary, high school students, and community members) that joins with our choirs to participate in local church worship services, choral/instrumental concerts, and college musicals. This group offers training, experience, and ministry opportunities within an instrumental musical setting. A two-semester commitment to this group is expected.

  • WA 610 Songwriting

    This course is a practical study in popular songwriting. Topics include the study of common song forms, lyric structure, the use of figurative language, rhyme and rhythm, and techniques of sustaining creativity as a songwriter. Further topics include writing for a specific audience, the marketing and publishing of songs, the impact of songwriting in popular culture, and the moral dimensions of songwriting in today’s society. Students are required to write and present their songs in class in addition to submitting their work to the instructor for grading.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor or challenge exam.

  • WA 650 Keyboard Improvisation

    This course provides a practical approach to playing keyboard by ear. Emphasis is given to playing a pop music style, especially for worship services and related ministry. Students gain an understanding of music structure in relationship to performance without written music. Most of the time spent in this class is practical in nature—students actually doing improvisation and learning various techniques for evaluation.

    Prerequisite: Basic keyboard ability (equivalent to Grade 6 RCM)

  • WA 710 Vocal and Instrumental Arranging

    This course provides an introduction to vocal and instrumental arranging including orchestration for winds/strings/brass/percussion, instrumental writing techniques, and choral techniques and practices. Musical styles, forms, and counterpoint are examined to provide background in arranging music for varied settings.

  • WA 737 Worship Arts Internship

    This internship is intended to help prepare students to be well-grounded in areas specific to their degree emphasis and future vocational/lay direction. This internship provides a practical, supervised experience in the tasks, attitudes, and skills of leadership and ministry as it pertains to the worship arts.

  • WA 743 Worship Leadership

    The basic components of worship leadership are studied in this course. Emphasis is given to identifying current effective worship styles and how to provide excellent, effective leadership in these styles. The implications of change and change management in regard to worship ministry are addressed. During this course, students gain personal confidence in worship leading and gain understanding of basic principles of designing a worship service.