About Briercrest Seminary

Keeping The Faith Campaign Proving Fruitful

Posted: October 27, 2021

As Keeping the Faith prepares to complete its second year, it sits commendably near its goal of $8.9 million. To date, donors have contributed just over $7.5 million, far outpacing previous annual donations averaging $1.85 million per year.

Renegotiating Faith, the 2018 report on how and why emerging adults either retain or depart from their faith. The report identified “attending Christian higher education” as an experience that substantially increases the odds of emerging adults retaining their Christian faith. This prompted Briercrest to launch Keeping the Faith. The campaign seeks to demonstrate how Briercrest’s mission (being “a community of learning that calls students to seek the kingdom of God, to be shaped profoundly by the scriptures, and to be formed spiritually and intellectually for lives of service”) offers exactly what was identified by Renegotiating Faith.

We are deeply grateful for how our alumni and other friends have recognized the role Briercrest plays in discipling this generation of students. The gifts have made a tangible difference to the young men and women learning and growing at Briercrest.

Allocation of the funds raised prioritizes 1) keeping tuition low, 2) investment in our facilities, and 3) investment in our programs.

  1. Tuition:
    Briercrest froze the tuition for 2020-21 and introduced only a minimal tuition increase for 2021-22 owing to extra COVID protocols and inflation. Thanks to a particular generous partner, the amount of bursary scholarships awarded this year increased by nearly $200,000.
  2. Facilities:
    Upgrades to some dorms and student housing and the creation of the High-Performance Training Centre, Briercrest Counselling Centre, and brand-new disc golf course create new opportunities for Briercrest and the wider community. Improvements to our heating and cooling systems and the brand-new audio, visual, and lighting booth in the Hildebrand chapel have both made tangible improvements to the student experience. 
  3. Programs:
    In 2021, three additional college programs were successfully authorized with the province (BA Biblical Studies, BA Business, Bachelor General Studies). Briercrest will continue to seek authorization for additional degrees in 2021-22 to help our students with degree transferability and graduate program eligibility.

Briercrest is grateful for an already very successful initiative. Friends of Briercrest are welcome to consider participating as Keeping the Faith prepares to wind down.