About Briercrest Seminary

ABHE and ATS Accreditation Review

Posted: June 3, 2013

In the fall of 2013, Briercrest College and Seminary will be reviewed by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Briercrest was first accredited by ABHE in 1976 and with ATS in 1998.  The accreditation commissions of these two organizations review our college and seminary and each of our degree programs at least once every ten years.

The criteria used in the assessment of our accreditation can be found be accessed at the appropriate websites of these organizations:  (a)  The Association for Biblical Higher Education (comprehensive standards), and (b) The Association of Theological Schools (comprehensive standards -and degree standards).

Public comment is invited in writing concerning the college and seminary’s qualifications for accreditation.  Comment related to our compliance with these standards of accreditation should be sent to:  BCS_Fall2013_Accreditation_Review@briercrest.ca.   These comments will be available to the evaluation committee, [who] may also include an open hearing scheduled during the course of their site visits this fall.

Thank you for your interest in the quality of Briercrest College and Seminary and our degree programs,

Michael Pawelke


More information on Briercrest's Accreditation can be found here.