We seek to support these three areas:

CoVo Leaders

You may be a lay person or clergy, rural or urban, or in a small or large church, but we share this in common: we love and serve a local church and work in one or more other settings, too. This unique calling provides amazing opportunities and unique challenges. We get it. Thanks to a generous grant, we have a host of subsidized and customized resources available to help you thrive.

We provide:

  • Certification in Co-Vocational ministry
  • Counselling for you and your family.
  • Peer coaching
  • Sacred Side Hustle gatherings
  • Online training and resources

You can access these resources by attending a Sacred Side Hustle event (in person or online) and joining our community of practitioners.

CoVo Congregations

Co-vocational congregations are churches with one or more co-vocational ministers, including their senior pastor or lead pastor. By necessity or choice, you are practicing or considering a different model, one not dependent on full-time pastors. Perhaps the New Testament teachings on the priesthood of all believers and the call to churches to be the Body are reshaping your thinking. Maybe you are interested in non-traditional models of local churches. Or maybe you are trying to solve the problem of an empty pulpit. We get it. Thanks to a generous grant, we have a host of subsidized and customized resources available to help your church thrive. 

We provide:

  • Congregational discernment tools
  • Church board training
  • Online resources for small groups

CoVo Supporting Denominations

We believe that God is doing something new in Canadian churches. In response, Briercrest, like many institutions and denominations, is humbly and actively seeking to learn how to prepare better and support co-vocational ministers and churches. We acknowledge that this will take new mindsets and approaches and invite you to join us in a journey of co-discovery and renewed focus.

We provide:

  • Access to co-vocational research
  • Cross-denominational learning opportunities
  • Resources to help you support your co-vocational churches

Connect with us

We are excited to hear from you.  To get more details on how we can help you with Co-Vocational Ministry, please fill in the form below and we will connect with you!