Faith and Fellowship

With Everyone Watching: Parenting as a Pastor's Wife

By Brittany Koleba

Discover the heartfelt challenges of parenting as a pastor's wife. Brittany Koleba reflects on grace, self-imposed expectations, and finding freedom from perfection in the midst of ministry pressures.

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Showing 21 to 27 of 27 posts.


How Do Pastors Bounce Back from Challenges?

Resilience is a process that depends on a lot of factors. One of our counselling faculty reflects on what her research reveals about pastoral resilience in the face of ministry challenges.


From Where I Stand: Global Perspectives in Leadership

Coordinator of the Centre for Leadership Studies reflects on oft-missed opportunities to learn about leadership from international voices.


Sharing Your Faith Without Losing It

A theology professor reflects on the complications and riches to be found in practicing Christian apologetics.


3 Ways To Better Serve People in Multivocational Ministry

Ellen Duffield, Coordinator for The Paul E. Magnus Centre for Leadership Studies, reflects on how people in the church and parachurch organizations can better support multivocational ministers.


How to Model a Faith Worth Keeping

Both the Renegotiating Faith and Hemorrhaging Faith studies found that what was modelled within the family unit had a profound effect on the faith formation of the next generation. Here are some key ways to model authentic faith for your kids.


What Are We Asking of Technology?

Modern technology is radically altering our lives. Is uncritical acceptance of new technologies the right way forward for us as Christians? Joel Houston, PhD, poses six questions we should be asking of technology before we welcome it into our lives.


Why We Need Church in the Digital Age

In our age of efficiency and distraction, church takes forever. But that’s exactly why we need it. Joel Houston, PhD, explains why Church should be slow, inefficient, and a little inconvenient—and in that way, completely irreplaceable.